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The secret to professional success: UP-Skills, RE-Skills | Xyclos

Updated: Apr 12

Concepts of Skills, Re-Skills, Up-Skills, Abilities | Xyclos


We all have one or more abilities or skills that we have acquired over time by performing certain tasks with safety and excellence; For example, we are expert carpenters building wooden furniture, automotive mechanics experts in exhaust pipes, expert accountants in taxes, expert DAX programmers among so many diverse skills that exist.

So we have technical, social, cognitive abilities or skills.

And there are very interesting concepts that complement this concept of skills: Skill gap, Cross-skilling, Up-skill and Re-skill.

Skill gap

In Spanish: Brecha de habilidades, consists of establishing the difference that exists between the current skills that an employee or a person looking for work has, compared to the skills required for a job or position.

This concept applies not only at the level of people, but also at the level of a department, company, industry, city, province or country, among others.


Or Habilidades cruzadas in Spanish, is generally the process carried out by a person to perform by learning other skills beyond their main skills, to facilitate their adaptation to multidisciplinary work environments.


In simple words, it means: improving a skill you already have.

Let's say you're good at Excel, but you feel like you don't yet have all the knowledge to handle all of the tool's functionalities.

¿What do you do?

You decide to take an advanced course in using Excel. This is Up-skill. Improve the knowledge you currently have.

¿And what will an improvement in your skills do for you??

To improve your resume | Curriculum vitae to look for a new job, to speak with management requesting that they consider you for a promotion to a new position, request a change to another area where they require personnel with this level of knowledge that you have acquired.

In general, an improvement within the area of analysis and information management.

And this of course applies, for example, to a carpenter, who knows how to build chairs and tables and decides to take an Up-Sill course to learn the wood embossing technique to beautify furniture.


On the other hand, Re-skill means: acquiring a new skill.

For example, you are an expert in Data Analysis and want to improve the quality of your interaction with the public, so you decide to learn PowerPoint.

You are learning a new skill: communication with the public, which in turn will help you improve the preparation of business intelligence panel reports in Power BI and also sell your Business Intelligence projects better.

Another case may be a person who is in the Process Management area of the company, where he is an expert in creating procedures with Microsoft Word, then he decides that the information analysis area is something new that he wants to learn and prepares in Excel, Power Query and Power BI. Acquire new knowledge, something he did not know before. This is Up-Skill.

And now, an Up-Skill that will be essential to have, consists of learning to interact with Artificial Intelligences, to create prompts for the different LLM's, LLM's for research and content creation, LLM's for creating video, LLM's for image management, LLM's for music creation and all those that will be developed in the future.

And again, in all cases in which you decide to carry out an Up-Skill process, it will mean opening up to new horizons such as changing areas with a better salary, being promoted for your vision of personal and professional development, which is very valued at a business and corporate level or look for a new job in another company.

¿Up-Skill or Re-Skill?

Whichever of the two, the one you think will serve you the most in your life.

Depending on what you decide, in some cases you will achieve Cross skilling as a final result of your excellent decision, opening up better opportunities for your professional life.

Here at Xyclos, we have courses to prepare you as an end user in Data Analysis (Excel, Power Query, Power BI), Strategic Planning (Project, Planner), Productivity with Microsoft 365 (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Forms).

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